The syllabus is a great tool to share with students the scope, sequence and expectations of a course. The syllabus can contain links to online textbooks, the files and documents students will need in the course, or to a good old-fashioned paper syllabus you may be accustomed to using. The Astria LMS has a self-managed portion of the syllabus that populates automatically any time you create an assignment, discussion, quiz, or event associated with that course. Students will never again wonder what their upcoming items are.
You can set the syllabus as your course home page.
You can also choose to make your syllabus public so that people who aren't enrolled in your course can view more information about the course. A public syllabus can be viewed as part of a private course when you send a link to a student.
To Edit the Syllabus, click Syllabus [1]. Then, click Edit [2]. There are three main parts: a calendar and weighted assignment groups [3], and a Course Summary automatically managed by the Astria LMS [4]. A syllabus description can also be viewed on this page. [5]
The syllabus description is where you can post your course description, a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information. You can copy content from Word documents directly into the Rich Content Editor or create original content inside the Rich Content Editor.
You can also link to your Syllabus by uploading it into Course Files as a PDF and linking it to the content selector. Astria LMS will automatically create a preview of your document, so your students don't have to download it before reading it.
The Calendar and Weighted Assignment Groups section will display information about course events and grading. The assignment group information can be edited in the Assignments feature while the Calendar information can be edited in both the Assignments and Calendar features. Any changes made will be reflected in the Syllabus.
Any course assignment or event will be listed in the bottom half of the Syllabus page with the undated items appearing at the bottom. Undated items will be listed in alphabetical order. Changes to these dated events can be made in both the Assignments and Calendar features and will be automatically updated in the Syllabus.