How do I upload a file to a course?
You can add a file to your course by uploading a file from your computer. You can also import files using the course import tool in Course Settings. |
How do I upload a file to a course?
In Course Navigation, click the Files [1] link.
Create a folder for your file [2]. Open your folder and click the Upload button [3].
Select the file you want to upload from your computer and click the Open button.
View Upload Progress
A progress bar [1] will appear at the top of the screen tracking the progress of your file upload.
View your new file in the course[2].
File Permissions
Users can edit permissions for files, including setting the state of the file (published or unpublished), restrict file access to students who have the link, or schedule availability dates for the files.
Select Publish [1] to make the file or folder visible to everyone.
Select Unpublished [2] so only you can see the folder
Select Only available to students with link [3], so the file can only be viewed if students are given the link to the file. This option only hides files from students in Course Files. This functionality is not valid outside the Files feature. For instance, if a file with a student visibility restriction is added to a Module or Assignment, the file can always be viewed by students.
Select Schedule student availability [4] to give students a window of time to view the file. Students cannot view the file in Course Files outside the restriction dates. If the file is linked to another area (such as Modules or Assignments), students will be able to see the name of the file, but if they click the file, they will see a message stating that the file has been locked and cannot be viewed until the specified date. Notes:
The Astria LMS does not support file uploads larger than 5 GB.
Video and audio uploads to Canvas through the media tool can be up to 500 MB in size. |
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