What are Outcomes?

What are Outcomes?

Outcomes are a great way to track and monitor the mastery and progress of your learners throughout a semester or year-long course.

An outcome is one specific line of a rubric that can be used for point value to an assignment or can be used as a simple location to track the comprehension of a concept.

Outcomes can be monitored two ways: through the “Astria Outcomes Mastery” and through the Outcomes tab in a course. Once selecting the Outcome in the tab, teachers and admins can click on the Outcome and each time the outcome is assigned to a rubric and an assignment, it will appear.

Outcomes Overview

Outcomes enables the administration and faculty to track students’ progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes.

Assessments created to test student knowledge or to require students to demonstrate a specific skill resulting from a learning activity can be aligned to learning outcomes using rubrics (which can be used for grading simultaneously).

Grading student work automatically collects and compiles data on student progress for the Outcomes. The data is available for reporting to support teaching improvement, identify at-risk students, and support the accreditation process. This unified, streamlined approach dramatically reduces the amount of work required to implement Learning Outcomes through the intelligent reuse of assessment workflows in the grading process.

When would I use Outcomes?

Use Outcomes to:

  • Focus students' attention on the most important skills and activities in your course (find existing outcomes or create new ones)

  • Align Quizzes and Assignments to different kinds of mastery

  • Run reports at the account-level about student artifacts of learning mastery

  • Assess student progress through calculation methods

  • Track student progress on a learning outcome or overall in the Astria Outcomes Mastery

  • Align accreditation or other core standards to programs of study, courses, or student assessments

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