How do I add requirements to a module?
When you add requirements to a module, students must complete all requirements within one module before moving to the next module. You can require students to complete all requirements in the module, or have them choose one item to fulfill a specific ...
How do I set a Front Page in a course?
The Course Home Page is the first view your students will see when they enter your course. For the Course Home Page, you can customize a page from your course Pages and have it display as the Course Home Page. If you want to change the Course Home ...
How do I add an announcement in a course?
You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive notifications for announcements created by you as well ...
How do I create Discussions?
Discussions can be formal (graded, teacher created, and/or moderated) or informal (ungraded, student created, and/or moderated). There can be many applications of the discussions tool in the Astria LMS, such as - but not limited to: Help students ...
How do I Create a Matching Quiz Question?
You can create a matching question for your students. Note: Matching questions only support text at this time. Create a New Question With the Questions tab selected inside a new quiz, click the New Question button [2]. Set Name, Type, Points and ...
How do I create a Multiple DropDown Quiz Question?
You can create a question that has multiple options for students to select in their response. You can create a sentence with multiple answers, as demonstrated in this lesson, or you can use the same steps to create a list. Add Question With the ...
How do I create a Multiple Answers quiz question?
You can create a question that has multiple answers in it. Note: To calculate scores for Multiple Answers quiz questions, the Astria LMS divides the total points possible by the amount of correct answers for that question. This amount is awarded for ...
How do I create a Fill-in-the-Blank quiz question?
You can create a single fill-in-the-blank question in your quiz. Add Question With the Questions tab selected inside a new quiz, click the New Question button [1]. Set Name, Type, Points and Edit Fill-In-the-Blank Question Details Quiz questions are ...
How do I create a True/False quiz question?
You can create a question for students that is a true or false answer. If you need to edit a True/False question after publishing the quiz, you can use quiz regrade to edit quiz questions and tell the Astria LMS to update grades for students who have ...
How do I create a Multiple Choice quiz question?
You can create a multiple choice question for your students. If you need to edit a Multiple Choice question after publishing the quiz, you can use quiz regrade to edit quiz questions and tell the Astria LMS to update grades for students who have ...
How do I create a Question Bank in a course?
Question Banks are a place to house questions that can be added to quizzes across courses or accounts. Open Quizzes In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link. Click the Options icon and click the Manage Question Banks link [1]. Click the Add ...
How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?
You can create a quiz using a question group. Question groups allow you to place multiple questions within a group for students to answer. You can choose the number of questions that should be answered from the group and how many points to assign ...
How do I create a Quiz?
You can add your own questions to your quizzes. You can create various types of quiz questions. Individual questions can also be added to question groups. Open Quizzes In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link. Click the Add Quiz button. Edit Quiz ...
How do I Add items to Modules?
You can add new or existing content items in the LMS to a module. You can also add an item to multiple modules, or multiple iterations of an item to one module. When you add items to a Module, please be aware that the status of the Module overrides ...
How do I create an assignment?
You can create assignments on the Assignments page. You can create an assignment shell, which is a placeholder for an assignment within an assignment group, or you can create an entire assignment with all the assignment details at the same time. Open ...
How do I create a new page in a course?
As an instructor, you can create a new page to add to your course. When creating pages, you can set page permissions as to who can edit the page: instructors (teachers), instructors and students, or anyone. You can also add a page to student To Do ...
How do I add Modules to my course?
Modules are like content delivery folders. A module is designed to house all the materials you would like to deliver in a Week, Lesson, Unit, Topic or Chapter. Modules can be set up with specific parameters to ensure students do not move ahead, or ...
How do I Create Rules for Assignment Group?
Once you have added assignments to your Assignment Group, you can create rules for the entire Assignment Group. Assignment Group rules determine how the Astria LMS handles any exceptions you want to create for grade calculations. Assignment groups ...
How do I add Assignment weights?
Assignment groups, also known as categories, are a great way to identify how you will be grouping the assessments your students will be completing. Some ideas of assignment groups are: homework, daily participation, discussions, group work, projects, ...
How do I upload a file to a course?
You can add a file to your course by uploading a file from your computer. You can also import files using the course import tool in Course Settings. How do I upload a file to a course? In Course Navigation, click the Files [1] link. Create a folder ...
What are Outcomes?
Outcomes are a great way to track and monitor the mastery and progress of your learners throughout a semester or year-long course. An outcome is one specific line of a rubric that can be used for point value to an assignment or can be used as a ...
What are Rubrics?
Rubrics are a great way for students to see what is expected of them, the value of those expectations, and how they affect their grade on an assignment or discussion. Rubrics help in the grading process by allowing instructors to simply click or tap ...
What is the Syllabus?
The syllabus is a great tool to share with students the scope, sequence and expectations of a course. The syllabus can contain links to online textbooks, the files and documents students will need in the course, or to a good old-fashioned paper ...
What are Files?
Files are where you upload course files, syllabi, readings, or other documents. As an instructor, you can lock the folders, so students cannot access your files. Files can be placed in Modules, Assignments, or Pages. Files and folders are put in ...
What are Quizzes?
Quizzes in the Astria LMS are assignments that can be used to challenge student understanding and assess comprehension of course material. The quiz tool is used to create and administer online quizzes and surveys. You can also use quizzes to conduct ...
People Overview
In this article, you will learn how to view and manage users in your course in the Astria LMS. The People menu is a list of all users enrolled in a course, either added by your or your institution via SIS import. The People page also organizes all ...
Grades and Gradebook
Grades can serve as a communication tool between students and instructors and allow instructors to track the progress of students. The Gradebook stores all information about student progress in the course, measuring both letter grades and course ...
What are Discussions?
The Astria LMS provides an integrated system for class discussions, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired. Discussions can also be created as an assignment for grading purposes (and ...
What are pages?
Pages can be used for a number of things throughout the Astria LMS. They can be designed as a home page with navigation links to modules, assignments, discussions, quizzes, announcements, and files. Pages may be utilized to help deliver notes, ...
What are Assignments?
Assignments in the Astria LMS can be used to challenge students' understanding and help assess competency by using a variety of media. Assignments include Quizzes, graded Discussions, and online submissions (i.e. files, images, text, URLs, etc.) The ...
What are Modules?
Modules are used to organize course content by weeks, units, or whatever organizational structure works for your course. With modules, you are essentially creating a one-directional linear flow of what you would like your students to do. Once you ...
What are Announcements?
Announcements allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post interesting course-related topics. Announcements are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information out to all members of a course or to all members ...
What is the course Home Page?
If you are enrolled in a course as an instructor, the Course Home Page is the first page students see when they open the course. The Home Page also helps students understand how they can navigate through the course. You can customize the Home Page to ...
How do I create a new course ?
If you are allowed to add new courses in the Astria LMS, you can start new courses from your Dashboard. New courses are created as course shells which can host course content and enrollments for your institution. When you create a course from the ...
Account Settings
In account settings, you may be able to change your user settings in your Astria LMS account, including your name, notifications, default email, language, time zone, and Password. Open Account Settings In Global Navigation, click the Account link, ...
What is the Inbox?
In this article, you will learn how to view and manage messages in the Inbox tool. This conversation tool is the Astria LMS communication system. Messages can be sent to any user in your institution's Community. As an instructor these messages are ...
What is the Calendar?
One of the challenges facing both students and instructors is keeping track of all of the assignments planned throughout the term. Instructors are teaching multiple courses and students are learning in multiple courses. Every course has its own ...
What are Courses?
The Courses menu displays your favorite courses. If no courses are selected as favorites, the course list displays all current courses. If a course includes term dates, the name of the term appears as part of the course listing. To view a course, ...
Basic Navigation
The Astria LMS is a cloud based learning management system, that will help manage all learning activities and the learning / development of your students and faculty. With the Astria LMS, you can automate the administrative tasks of tracking courses ...
What is the Dashboard?
The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into your Astria LMS. The dashboard helps you to have an overview of what is happening in all your active courses. Open Dashboard You can always access it by clicking on the Dashboard link in ...