Once you have added assignments to your Assignment Group, you can create rules for the entire Assignment Group. Assignment Group rules determine how the Astria LMS handles any exceptions you want to create for grade calculations. Assignment groups can be weighted or unweighted. When using the lowest or highest score rule, the Astria LMS considers how the rule most negatively or positively affects the student's overall score. In some cases, point values may be considered more important than an overall percentage score. For example, an instructor may set a rule to drop the lowest score in the Assignment Group, where a student with a failing grade earns a 100% on a 10-point assignment and 75% on an 100-point assignment. Even though in the first assignment the student earned 100%, the 10-point value is not as significant (as compared to the 100-point assignment) and will be dropped because it has a much lower impact on the student's overall score. Note: Astria LMS drops the score with the lowest percentage regardless of its effect on the final grade if all the following conditions are met:
In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link. Click the Assignment Group Settings drop-down menu. Click the Edit link.
For each Assignment Group, you can create one of three grading rules:
To drop a certain number of the lowest scores, enter the number in the Lowest Scores [1] field. You can use the arrows to adjust the number.
To drop a certain number of the highest scores, enter the number in the Highest Scores [2] field. You can use the arrows to adjust the number.
To tell Astria LMS to never drop a certain assignment, click the Add an assignment link.
In the Assignment drop-down menu [3], select the name of the assignment in the Assignment Group that should never be dropped.
To select another assignment, click the Add Another Assignment link [3].
When you are finished adding rules, click the Save button.
In the Assignment Group toolbar, the Astria LMS will show the number of rules assigned to the group [4]. Hover over the link to view the rules.